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Prestonia Mann Martin and the Mann Family of New YorkResearch by Enid Mastrianni, Page 4June 6, 2004, DocumentsThere was another letter written by Julia Doolittle Mann to her late daughter's children, Ella and Kate. I wonder if the reference to Julia Bond et al. "being on the safe side" has anything to do with antislavery activity? Julia Puterbaugh Marshall, who has the scrapbook that the following letter comes from thinks this letter was probably written also in 1855.
The first advertising circular he produced is housed at the NY Academy of Medicine Library in their rare book room. They will not allow the document to be photocopied, so all I have are my notes: This one page, double sided broadsheet features 9 before and after pictures along with testimonials from parents of young patients and testimony from adult patients--also has a list of names of clients/cured patients. All of the pictures in this appear in the latest (1870-80s?) brochure. This one only gives a NYC address (23 West 41st Street, NYC). The only non patient/famous person mentioned in this version is HW Beecher, who is quoted, "Dr. Mann is a personal aquaintance of mine. He is skillful, successful, and honest. I should put a child of mine under his care, if I was so unhappy to need such service." What appears to be the second circular he produced I located in the Gerrit Smith collection at Syracuse University. The testimonials are dated and the latest one is Nov. 1857, so it was produced after that date. At the end it has a list of 15 references; the first three are Hon. Gerrit Smith, Peterboro', Madison Co., N.Y., Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, Brooklyn and Rev. Samuel J. May, Syracuse, N.Y. This one asks potential clients to write to him at 13 Laight St., NYC. The last circular I have found is large and elaborate. It was in the Archives and Special Collections at the Amherst College Library in their Porter-Phelps-Huntington Family Papers. (Aside: There is a new book out based on the diaries and letters of a woman of this family. I believe her name was Elizabeth Porter Phelps. The book, if memory can be trusted, was written by Elizabeth Pendergast Carlisle. The book discusses how a white servant girl has a child with a black man who worked nearby in 1810 in Hadley MA. I found this fascinating and the earliest reference I've come across of a white woman with an African American man in New England.) [Editor's note: the book is Earthbound and Heavenbent: Elizabeth Porter Phelps and Life at Forty Acres (1747-1817) by Elizabeth Pendergast Carlisle, Scribners, 2004] This third circular states that "Dr. J. P. Mann has had thirty-nine years' experience (eighteen in New York City) in the treatment of deformities. He graduated from the Geneva Medical College in 1842 and moved to NYC sometime after 1855 as far as I can determine. So that makes the date of this brochure anytime between 1873-1881. Here he has two addresses 133 West 41st Street, NYC where he "...has established offices and reception days..." Monday and Saturday A.M. and at 1202 Washington Street, Boston, Tuesday and Wednesday A. M. This circular features dozens of before/after pictures that text assures us are "...from photographs taken from life." The references of abolitionists are gone, replaced by copious testimonials of those cured of "spinal curvature, club feet, hip disease, contracted knee joints and short limb." Enid1 Notes:1. Correspondence, Enid Mastrianni to Afrolumens Project, June 6, 2004. Read page 1 | Read page 2 | Read page 3 | Read page 5 | Read page 6 Read page 7 | Read page 8 | Read page 9 |
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